Suicide Prevention

If you feel suicidal, or know someone who is thinking about suicide, get help.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Call (800) 273-TALK (8255), a 24-hour national crisis hotline.

  • Call Shiawassee Health & Wellness at (989) 723-6791 or (800) 622-4514.

  • Talk to a friend, family member, counselor, or religious leader.

  • Visit your family doctor. They can tell you about counseling options or medication.

  • Dial 911 for emergency assistance.

If your friend has a suicide plan, do not leave him or her alone. Get help from professionals. Alert important adults in your friend’s life – family, friends, clergy. Do so even if your friend asks you not to tell anyone.

Suicide is Forever

  • Suicide is never the answer to a problem. It is hard to see alternatives when you are in crisis, but they do exist.

  • Most people who consider suicide do not want to die. They want their pain to go away. Pain can be helped in other ways.

  • Life’s painful times do not last forever, even if it feels like they will.

  • You do not need to be ashamed of having suicidal thoughts. Help is available. You are not alone.

A member of our team is available by telephone 24 hours a day/7 days a week. If you or someone that you know is in danger of harming themselves or others, call 911 immediately.